Thursday, March 31, 2011

In which she goes to a conference...

Tomorrow I head off to the Iowa SCBWI Spring conference for some thrill-packed writing adventure. I can't possibly attend any portion of the conference without agonizing. Not over my manuscripts, mind you, I leave them home. My wardrobe. Because this just isn't an outing with other writers, the dreaded editors will be there, too.

What to wear, what to wear so as not too look too old, too short, too fat, too serious, too frivolous, too unprofessional, too self-involved, too uninvolved, too...something that you shouldn't look like you are. (But might be. I chew my lower lip. I'm not any of these things, am I? I hope not. I mean, what's the worst thing on the list? Too fat, maybe? I've met a lot of skinny editors...) So I'll go and try on everything in my closet. And decide I look fat in all of it.

So I will go to the mall and try things on. And look fat in all of it. I'll try on something conservative and feel old. Then I'll put on something trendy and an old person trying too hard to look young.

So, I'll give up and try on shoes. All of which hurt my feet or are too expensive or the wrong shade (exactly what I'm trying to match I don't know, but never mind that, they're the wrong shade).

The calender is ticking away and I still have nothing to wear.
I go back to my closet and see if there is something that could work if I only had the right accessories...and get disgusted at myself and pull something out, hang it on the closet door, deciding !THIS! is what I'll wear. Sheesh. Enough already.
Until the next day, when I will be wearing jeans and if I wear something dressier it will look like I spend too much time on what I wear...and I'll go back to the mall, because all of my jeans are worn and not the right shade to wear with a really cute top, which I don't have...

At which point I'm glad that only signed up for one day of this three day event, because I'm already exhausted. Imagine what it would be like if I had to find things to wear for all three days!

I need another coffee.
Susan, who is going to go color her hair now...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In which she tries a little physical therapy...

It is self-evident truth that any new endeavor will be met with an interruption equal to or greater than the endeavor, thereby creating friction which will result in a failure to sustain momentum. Which is what all Physics textbooks should say if they were really any good.

So, I started my blog, wherein I would indulge my own personal version of crankiness, and developed a problem with my right foot and later injured my left shoulder...which just goes to show the essential balance in nature, seeing as how I had pain on both sides of my body. SO I did what any busy adult would do, I put up with it all and kept going. I used painkillers (the OTC kind until a doctor gave me some anti-inflammatory ones). *Note: pain killers don't actually kill pain, they just confuse the pain for 4-6 hours after which the pain remembers how much it doesn't like you, your foot, or you shoulder and rouses itself with a vengeance.*
In all fairness, this did ramp up my crankiness, but not my desire to write about it...
so...after months of limping and holding my arm clamped against my side...I went to two specialists (because you can't see just one, shoulder and foot being so totally not the same thing). Both had the same amazing treatment plan: cortisone shots. I don't do needles. Seriously. No needles. Well, at a more basic level I just don't do pain--ok ok the foot hurt, the shoulder hurt, what I mean here is INFLICTED pain, as in pain doctors think is good for you--and since needles and pain have a disturbingly co-dependent relationship, I avoid both. Which I expressed in the most eloquent and firmest of terms.

NO needles, I shrieked.

I must have made my point because the foot doctor wrapped my foot to relieve the pressure and the shoulder doctor sent me to a physical therapist.
which involves a whole other brand of pain...